I bought the book "Battle Royale" several years ago, and when I was looking for my next book to read after "The Power of Paradox", I couldn't find Eragon, which was my first choice. This one stood out on my bookshelf, and when I read the back cover, it portrays a very similar idea to that of Hunger Games, with the premise of a class full of junior high students, 42 in all, left on an island, with only the final survivor being allowed to leave.
I'll let you all know about the story as it progresses, but it should be a fun compare-and-contrast review when I'm done.
Everyone else on RoW80 - enjoy the rest of your week, and I'll see you on Sunday! Below is the detailed breakdown of my goal progressions.
RoW80 Detailed Goal Progress
Writing - I will write something toward finishing my as yet untitled book from NaNo last year, even if only 50 words, every day. By the end of Saturday, I want my novel to be at a minimum of 68,000 words, from a starting number of 56,636 words. I also want my novel outlined through at least 35 scenes, from a current progress of 29 scenes outlined.
8/26/12 - Wrote 381 words, to a total of 57,017 words written. No scene outlines added.
8/27/12 - Wrote 745 words, to a total of 57,762 words written. No scene outlines added.
8/28/12 - No writing done.
8/29/12 - No writing done yet.
Reading - I will read at least 10 pages of a book each day. By the end of Saturday, I want to have finished "The Power of Paradox" and read at least 100 pages of "Battle Royale" by Koushun Takami.
8/26/12 - Read 11 pages of "The Power of Paradox", on page 56 of 79.
8/27/12 - Read the rest of "The Power of Paradox".
8/28/12 - No reading done.
8/29/12 - Read to page 29 of "Battle Royale".
Blogging - I will write at least three blog posts each week, one of which must not be ROW80-related. By the end of Saturday, I want to have written my Sunday and Wednesday RoW80 updates, a book review of "The Power of Paradox," and one other miscellaneous post.
8/26/12 - Wrote Weekly Check-In for RoW80 (technically on 8/25, but just before midnight 8/26)
8/27/12 - No progress.
8/28/12 - No progress.
8/29/12 - Wrote RoW80 Wednesday Update.
Exercise - I will get "real" exercise for at least 30 minutes, three times a week. As part of a regular exercise routine, I want to get a mix of "prayer walks", which are rapid walks combined with extended prayer time, and running or other aerobic exercise. I'd like to see at least 3 prayer walks and one aerobic activity by Saturday.
8/26/12 - Went for 30 minute prayer walk.
8/27/12 - Went for 32 minute prayer walk.
8/28/12 - Went for 35 minute walk in Muskegon Community College's nature trail.
8/29/12 - No progress yet.
Housework - I will, in some small way, make my house look better each night than it did the previous night. By Saturday, I'd like to have caught up on all the laundry in the house, and picked up the messy basement area.
8/26/12 - Gathered up some dirty dishes, loaded and ran the dishwasher. Picked up / cleaned the living room.
8/27/12 - Cleaned up the kitchen after dinner, ran two loads of laundry through the washer and dryer. Helped the girls pick up their rooms.
8/28/12 - Cleaned up half the basement.
8/29/12 - No progress yet.
I think you're doing very well Mike. It's challenging to plan for the demands of real life with making progress on all our goals. You have a very well-balanced list and it seems to me that you are progressing in all areas of your life. Even doing housework!
ReplyDeleteI love that you are doing prayer walks! I find it so helpful to go for a walk when something is troubling me, and I often end up praying as well, but what a wonderful idea - to intentionally go on a prayer walk.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks for the encouragement, especially on my prayer walks. They are incredibly rejuvenating, getting out into nature and communing with God. I find them to be a source of strength in tough times (as these last few days have been, from a goals standpoint.)
DeleteI'm thankful for all the support, so I will pray for you on my next walk!
Um, you didn't plan for life interruptions? How dare you! You mean you're not a mind reader? You should really work on that...
ReplyDeleteI pick on you because you have no idea the long day I had at the day job today. There was no way I was getting writing done today, I left so brain dead after an 11 hour shift with no break I freaked myself out driving, worrying I'd blown a stop sign (I didn't!). But I was that drained, I just kind of zoned, which isn't good. My point is that stuff comes up that takes our attention and time. Try not to beat yourself up about the stuff you can't impact. Just do your best to plan ahead and hopefully, whatever you accomplish is still progression from where you were. It's all a journey right?
Um, I should go to bed now... ;)
Thanks! I had a couple long days at work on Thursday and Friday. I was so drained that my weekend was also particularly unproductive.
DeleteI'm trying not to beat myself up, but the last few days have me struggling.
Hope you got some good sleep this weekend!
Good for you for flexing your ROW 80 goal muscles. I have never been brave enough to set weekly goals but as I've said to you before, it really takes some time to juggle writing with one's life. The only way I know how to do this is to keep adjusting goals whether it's a word count or length of time. After awhile, the rhythm of the life I am living becomes apparent. Look forward to reading your next update to see how your week progressed.
You'll be reading my Sunday blog shortly (okay, so I know it's Monday, if that gives you an idea.) I'm trying to dictate my life rhythm right now, and life is fighting with me. It's a fun fight, but still frustrating. Thanks for the kind words!